Smart Homes: Why the Time is Now

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When the idea of smart homes were referenced in the 1980s smash hit Back to the Future II, audiences worldwide thought they were a far-off, fanciful dream. Fast forward thirty years though, and that dream has become a reality. Technology in the home has granted us all the opportunity to have our wish become our command, and smart homes are fast moving beyond a quirky trend to a highly desired home asset. Yet given that technology always comes at a price, is creating a smart enabled home (or commercial business space for that matter) really an accessible option for developers or builders looking to add value to their builds? And do end purchasers really value it? 

Why a smart home? 

Remote Temperature Monitoring & Control | Image Credit: Nero

Remote Temperature Monitoring & Control | Image Credit: Nero

A smart home offers one simple thing purchasers are looking for: convenience. With the click of a button, or, increasingly, voice commands, the homeowner is able to do anything from logging in remotely to turn on the heater before they arrive home, to dimming their lights and closing the blinds when they’re ready to watch a movie. 

Security Benefits In Real Time | Image Credit: Nero

Security Benefits In Real Time | Image Credit: Nero

The benefits of a smart home, though, go far beyond convenience. Anytime a homeowner is away, their smart home can help with essential services, from turning on their irrigation system remotely to water their plants, to adjusting lighting to look like they’re home. Smart homes also enable greater security, as a homeowner is able to login and view real-time footage from any cameras they may have installed. 

Security and convenience aside, a smart enabled build offers strong marketability for developers and builders. Creating a point of difference from other competing builds that don’t have the tech, clear advantages of energy efficiency, liveability and overall trend of innovation can be highlighted. With the added flexibility to install the tech post build, it also can be used as a terrific incentive to motivate purchasers to sign on the dotted line.

How do smart homes work? 

Smart homes are controlled through smart home hubs, for example, Nero. Smart home hubs use wireless radio frequencies to enable devices to communicate with each other, and ultimately, with a homeowner’s mobile device. Their smartphone, then, essentially becomes their control panel where they have oversight of everything from whether they turned the bathroom fan off to which lights are on and off at any particular moment. 

As the name suggests, it’s an intelligent, convenient, and increasingly desirable setup. 

Are smart homes difficult or expensive to install? 

While Bill Gates may have spent more than USD $100 million to build his smart home back in 1997, as the tech behind smart homes has evolved and devices have become more accessible, costs have significantly reduced. With install able to be done either pre or post build, and no pre or additional wiring required, smart homes are simple to enable, cost effective to appoint, and offer enormous benefits such as convenience and energy efficiencies that purchasers admire. Furthermore, consider specifying smart enabled appliances and sanitary ware to round out a complete smart home tech experience.

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Are smart homes worth it? 

With the smart home appliance industry growing at a rate of over 15% per year, it’s clear that the demand for smart homes is rapidly increasing. Smart homes are a small investment in effort, but can be a significant value-add from a purchaser’s perspective.

Harvey Norman Commercial makes creating smart homes easy for you and your clients. Get in touch to make an appointment to experience Nero or our range of smart enabled appliances and sanitary ware at our new state-of-the-art Selection Centre, Port Melbourne. Our knowledgeable and dedicated sales specialists are ready to assist.

To make an appointment contact our office on 03 8530 6300 or alternatively email our team via